Editions, licensing, prices
The best IDM-Portal for your goals
Choose your identity management solution for Active Directory and M365:
from standard setups to individual configurations.
Choose your identity management solution for Active Directory and M365:
from standard setups to individual configurations.
Your goals are key.
Each company is individual.
Each IAM project has its own
starting point and final goal.
We show you the best way.
Identity management for users.
Use your existing infrastructure
(Microsoft 365, Entra ID, Active Directory)
without additional databases.
We put users at the center.
The right concept for your company.
The more detailed your requirements are,
the more important it is to plan in advance.
Well thought out – half done.
We offer customized solutions.
FirstWare IDM-Portal is available in different editions.
Core features of all editions include: User management, logo upload, Smart Search, SSO, support.
FirstWare IDM-Portal
FirstWare IDM-Portal
Including SaaS solutions:
FirstWare IDM-Portal
Including SaaS solutions:
As a customer, you receive a temporary right of use for IDM-Portal from FirstAttribute AG. The software license agreement usually has a minimum contract period of 12 months, unless otherwise agreed.
Individual arrangements and adjustments are possible at any time.
During the contract period, the right of use includes:
The licensing is based on the number of active users in the AD and the term of the contract.
A detailed list of all legal regulations are available in our terms and conditions and the license agreement (EULA).
Prices for the use of the software application are calculated as follows
The calculation is per user/month in an annual subscription.
Individual arrangements and adjustments are possible at any time.
All prices and contract options are available upon request.
How do IT experts rate the IDM-Portal?
We asked them.
Simple interface, high level of automation
“With the web-based FirstWare IDM-Portal, companies can handle their complete identity management: Centralized, unified, effective, and most importantly, easy to learn.
IDM-Portal enables comprehensive automation of all identity management tasks.”
Thomas Joos, author, IT-consultant and trainer
You can find more independent opinions about us under Press.
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